use strict; use warnings; use Gedcom; use Gedcom::LifeLines; # usable as filter ? submit a patch # line 56. test if ref $$self{file} is a GLOB # (only if STDIN is seekable) sub dot_header { print "digraph familly { node [ shape=box ] "; } sub dot_footer { print "}"; } sub dot_individual_id { my $i = shift || $_ || return; 'id'.$i->{xref}; } sub dot_guilt_id { join '', sort @_ } sub dot_add_person { my ($person) = @_; my ( $sn, $given ) = map { s/"/\\"/g; $_ } $person->surname , $person->given_names ; my $not_found = 'NA'; my $birth = ($_ = $person->birth) ? $_->date : $not_found; $birth ||= $not_found; my $death = ($_ = death($person)) ? $_->date : $not_found; $death ||= $not_found; print dot_individual_id($person) , qq( [label="$given $sn\\n($birth - $death)"]\n); ; } my $ged = Gedcom->new(shift) or die $!; # my $jp = $ged->get_individual('Jean-Pierre'); # print "\t$_: $$jp{$_}\n" for keys %$jp; # exit; # for ( $jp->parents ) { # print "\t",$_->given_names,"\n"; # } # print $jp->birth->date,"\n"; my %childs = (); my %monoparental; my $pcount=0; sub build_tree { # the child and his id ($c) my $i = shift; my $c = dot_individual_id($i); # parents's ids my ( $p1, $p2 ) = sort map {dot_individual_id} $i->parents; # orphan ? we don't carre about orphans ! return unless $p1; unless ( $p2 ) { $monoparental{$p1} = $c; return; } if (defined ($_ = $childs{$p1}{$p2})) { push @$_, $c; } else { $_ = $childs{$p1}{$p2} = [ $c ] } } my %sexual_results; sub sexual_partners { print '{ edge [ arrowhead=none ] node [ shape=point ]',"\n"; for my $i ( keys %childs ) { for my $j ( keys %{$childs{$i}} ){ my $have_sex = "${i}X${j}"; print "{ $i $j } -> $have_sex \n"; $sexual_results{$have_sex} = $childs{$i}{$j}; } # delete $childs{$i}; } print "}\n"; } dot_header; for my $i ( $ged->individuals ) { dot_add_person($i); build_tree($i); } sexual_partners; while ( my ( $p, $c ) = each %sexual_results ) { print "$p -> $_\n" for @$c; } print "{ edge [ color=red ]\n"; while ( my ( $p, $c ) = each %monoparental ) { print "$p -> $c\n"; } print "}\n"; dot_footer; =end digraph Nussbaum { Marie [label="Marie Nussbaum" ] Louis [label="Louis Nussbaum" ] // unions { edge [ arrowhead=none ] node [ shape=point ] { Marie Louis } -> m123123 } m123123 -> { Jean_Louis Francoise Raymonde } Francoise -> { Marc Alexandra } Marc -> { Guillaume Alixe } }